September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So for examples, sister to beauty, the heir and the spare, and the lunar chronicles. It's similar to the cinderella story but not quite. I also don't want it to just magically get better, she tries to be selfless and she works hard and tries to build her life, basically, no random rescue and things become perfect. I would like it to be a no spice romance. Love tropes like the spoiled younger sister and the responsible older sister

    by TheFriendlyCakePop

    1 Comment

    1. SunnyRosetta235 on

      I think Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones may fit what you’re looking for?

      The MC (Sophie) is the eldest of three and has spent most of her life working for her family’s sake, so when she finally gets out into the world (because she gets cursed) she doesn’t quite know how to navigate it but also doesn’t let herself get disheartened either. She ends up living with a supposedly “evil” wizard in his magically moving castle and works as his cleaning lady. She is very stubborn and strong-willed, and doesn’t see herself as worthy of love because of superstitions in her culture, but eventually she ends up with someone who cares for her in his own round-about way. While sometimes she ends up making a bit of a messy situation, she doesn’t get “rescued” by the love interest so much as assisted out of care for her. She is very good at making her own way and occasionally is so determined she is a force to be reckoned with and the other characters get scared by her sheer will to succeed (not necessarily in a bad way, scared but perhaps in awe of her as well).

      It’s a one of my favorite books ever 😀

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