September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone. Long story short: I recently found out my estranged, abusive father has cancer, and he has reached out to me to reconnect before he dies. Among other things, I'm struggling with whether or not to give him the forgiveness he clearly needs before he goes. As I've always done, I hope to turn to reading to help me sort through these feelings. Can anyone recommend me books on forgiving your parents? This can take any number of forms: self-help, psychology, academic monographs, even fiction that deals with this theme/subject. If it matters, I'm doing a PhD in English literature, so I should be OK even if the book is "advanced."

    I guess I'm not necessarily looking for a "how-to" manual, but I'd like to know what's been written on the topic. Many thanks in advance!

    by Mysterious-Memory-73

    1 Comment

    1. Neon_Aurora451 on

      Hmm. The one that immediately came to mind is The Victor Marx Story. There’s not only a book but also some short films about his life, PTSD, and what he chose to do in spite of the abuse he experienced. But the book needs a content warning. He had a tough upbringing for sure.

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