September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, so I'm looking for a medieval style fantasy book! I'm fifteen and love to read. I loved the lord of the rings and The Hobbit. I liked The Wheel of Time, the Howl's Moving Castle books, the Legacy of Orisha books, The Witcher books, I liked the Dorothy Must Die books but the last time I read them I was 9 haha.

    For reference of books I couldn't get into: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, A court of thorns and roses, Twilight.

    You might be able to tell but I don't really like books that are extremely romance based. I don't mind a bit of romance if it fits the characters and the book but I don't want it to be a big part. I love epic fantasies (the books I listed were just a few off of the top of my head). I like books with complex ideas that don't just plain black and white, this guy's good and this guy's bad (excluding the main villain). I'm open to books of all "reading levels". I've always loved a good challenge! I'm planning on reading the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books at some point. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer!

    Thank you so much! Have a great day!

    by TheWizardGarden


    1. The Traitor Son Cycle, The Gentleman Bastards, and The First Law are all really good. All very different approaches to fantasy, but all really good

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