September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. theponderingreader_ on

      October/autumn reads are always cozy to me!

      Have you ever tried the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson? I absolutely adore her, and while these books are YA, I really enjoyed them. It’s a boarding school setting, fabulous witty character, murder mystery, and the main character deals with panic attacks/anxiety which I appreciated.

      Can’t Spell Treason without Tea and The SpellShop are good autumn fantasy cozies that can do no wrong!

      Happy reading!

    2. PrincessMurderMitten on

      The September House by Carissa Orlando

      It’s a beautifully written book about a haunted house, a marriage and survival.

    3. -Small town big magic,

      -The very secret Society of irregular witches,

      -The ex hex,

      -Witch of wild things,

      -The only purple house in town

    4. TheWatcherInTheLake on

      As a fellow fan of *The Secret History* I’d suggest *The Historian* by Elizabeth Kostova.

      It’s got academia, melancholy and spookiness (but not gore) and it’s a beautiful journey through Eastern Europe and history.

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