September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently watched The Lives of Others and it left me wondering about what it was like in both East and West Berlin during the post-War period. If you want to _really_ dumb it down, there are essentially three periods, all of which interest me:

    • 1945 – 1949: Post WW2 until declaration of the GDR (East Germany)
    • 1949 – 1961: Declaration of the GDR until the beginning of the Berlin Wall construction
    • 1961 – 1989: … until the fall of the Berlin Wall

    I'd be excited to read anything about life in the GDR, people trying to escape, cross-border tensions, political tensions, slice of life stories, espionage and/or security service stories, etc.

    I'd be happy for any film or other media recommendations, too. 🙂


    by i_hmm_some

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