September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished Pet Sematary, so spoilers ahead if you haven't read it because I'm about to talk about the ending.


    I loved this book and gave it 5 stars (a rare rating for me haha). I really enjoyed the part of the story where Louis Creed got himself into a situation (digging up Gage's grave so he could bury him in the pet sematary] and he KNEW it was bad, and he knew there would be consequences, but he was at a point of no turning back and things just got worse and worse.

    So I would love to read a book where that happens / is a main focus in the plot! I prefer a book in the horror, thriller, suspense, genre…I dislike romance, "chick lit", fantasy so if it's anything aside from those genres I'll be happy.

    Thanks in advance!

    by duck-with-bat-wings

    1 Comment

    1. Manda_lorian39 on

      Not a book, but check out Inside Man on Netflix with Stanley Tucci and David Tennant. It’s so much what you describe that I still can’t bring myself to watch the last episode.

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