I just finished Richard Russo’s Somebody’s Fool a few days ago. There are few authors who can get inside their character’s heads like he does. He has an uncanny ability to write an inner monologue for numerous, wildly different character personalities. I found them all to be incredibly genuine and lifelike.
Even though it’s the 3rd book in a series, it’s written so that if you haven’t read the other two, he catches you up quickly, and it doesn’t matter for this book’s story arc. I was completely present and in the moment on every page; my mind never wandered. There was also no point which I ever felt it slowed down, or I had to “push through” the 3rd quarter.
Who else read this, or his other books, and what are your thoughts?
by 3pinripper
Nobody’s Fool is one of my favorite novels, I haven’t read the sequel though, thanks for the recommendation.
I am a big fan of his, and I loved all three of these books. I grew up in upstate NY, this is exactly what it’s like and I appreciate how he animates a lot of his stock characters with such rich humanity.