September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    so my father is a grumpy person. he doesn't want therapy, is really a sweet person deep down but oftentimes his ego gets the best of him cause he has a traumatic past and he is secretly worried his own family doesnt like him, unfortunately he is getting a bit old and suffers depression but won't acknowledge it like that (he used to have a diagnose i think cause he also used to have therapy but now everytime you'd mention it he gets "angry" and tells you he has backpain is ill etc and therapy wouldnt help with that)

    so what i really need – as he luckily reads A LOT – , is books that might

    • give him a little hope
    • maybe have a grumpy discouraged main character, who is also a bit older and maybe a bit ill,
    • he changes and opens up to his wife again, sth like that, just like encouraging literature for "older men who are used to having to powerplay and are secretly depressed, maybe need encouragement but also to see someone change the way they speak to others" sth like that
    • has a happy end obviously

    if you have any idea thank you so much

    by disgostin

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