September 2024
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    I’m kind of interested in finding books that are urban fantasy as in their modern but with magical elements but aren’t super heavy. Like super dramatic romance or heavy conflict. Kind of like Legends and Lattes but not full fantasy.

    Anyone know any books like this?

    by Labyrinthine8618


    1. I’ve been reading the Fred the Vampire Accountant series. I think it might be exactly what you’re looking for. (I’m up to book 5. I don’t know if the tone stays consistent, but thus far it’s a really comfy read.)

      Maybe also, The Cemeteries of Amalo series and Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. It’s more Victorian era urban fantasy than modern urban fantasy, but still urban fantasy. The tone is a bit more dour, but comes across quite wholesome.

    2. Potatoskins937492 on

      Mmm… *The House Witch* by Delemhach might be something you’d be interested in? I read it because it sounded a lot like Legends and Lattes. Also, *A Wizards Guide to Defensive Baking* by T. Kingfisher. I’m not sure if either of these fulfill “urban” fantasy, I don’t really know anything about fantasy, but these are cozy and fantasy (I think they’re fantasy?). Sorry. Kind of not helpful, but if you like L&L, that’s the book that I used to find these.

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