September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This might be oddly specific, but I really dig the atmosphere of artists like Atrium Carceri. Here's an example of the kind of vibe I'm thinking of from the description of one of the albums: "Locked out from the Illusion, this album takes place entirely in our former home. The darkened sky and gargantuan citadels line the horizon as the endless city, we once ruled as gods, stretches as far as the eye can see.

    Crossing the sea of the dead in search for a Beacon of Light ​ can lead the expedition to uncover the truth about the factions in control, what happened to the long lost architect and how to open a portal back into the colorful illusion the ignorant call home."

    Another song of theirs begins with the following lyrics: "Distant lands. We've been here for 200 days. No one's coming to save us. This place is wrong. It's… it's pure black. We're all so tired, but we can't sleep."

    And there's yet another song that comes to mind, The Inner Sun by Gdanian. Look it up and listen to the lyrics starting at 4:10 (can't add a link because of the rules).

    All of these examples have this element of mystery. Exploring the unknown, or rather something that was once known but was abandoned for whatever reason. Something sinister must've happened, and the characters are only beginning to discover it. They don't know yet the danger they are in or how dire the situation is. A constant eerie atmosphere.

    I would love to read a book that has a similar vibe, be it fantasy or science fiction. Any suggestions?

    by OverSavior

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