September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    You know that part in the fellowship of the ring when gandalf travels to rummage through ancient archives, or that bit in the hobbit series when he explores the dark tombs of the Nazgul? Or maybe even the orb pondering meme and those "side-quests with that friend" wizard memes?

    I'm looking for a book like that. I wanna read about old wizards that went mad looking for power, strange hermits, terrible necromancers, etc. Something completely wizard focused.

    What I'm not looking for is another one of'em sorcerer's apprentice kind of books, or something about a school or any other common YA trope (nor any YA book, preferrably). I want deep, weird, crazy and adventurous wizards.

    Any recommendations?

    by LeonVendek

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