September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Andnowforsomethingcd on

      **Hochi and the Red City Circuit** by Dora Raymaker is a sci-fi thriller set in the 26th century. In this society, people who are neurodivergent (read: autistic) are relegated to a lower caste socially, but are also the only ones who can manage the supercomputers that run the world. When one of this group is ritualistically murdered, a neurodivergent protagonist must figure out who is behind the murder before more are killed and society crumbles. The author is autistic herself.

    2. Correct-Leopard5793 on

      So Lucky by Nicola Griffith, the author has MS and the story is a fictional story about the character who also has been diagnosed with MS stepping down from her role as director for an AIDS organization. It was really good!

    3. always-peachy on

      The Flowers in the Attic series by VC Andrew’s.

      Just fyi many of “her” books were written by a ghost writer after she died. But she did herself write the first 4 books of the series.

      She was wheelchair bound by rheumatoid Arthritis quite young. She lived with her mother as her caregiver. Her mother was very controlling and kept her somewhat locked away.

    4. max_couch_3214 on

      Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Fiction highly informed by her chronic illness journey

    5. *Fourth Wing* by Rebecca Yarros.

      Look, I’m not saying it’s GOOD good, but it’s the kind of book you tear through in a sitting. The main character has the same disability as the author (EDS) thought it’s not named bcs fantasy setting.

    6. IntrepidInterest9883 on

      Disabled how? Joe Abercrombie wrote a character Glokta, who has problems moving etc…because Joe himself has back issues.

      He said: Inquisitor Glokta was born out of the experience of injuring my back, which I did pretty frequently over a period of about five years. It gives you a strange, savage and twisted outlook on the world when every movement is painful. I suspect many of those who’ve been unfortunate enough to suffer from back trouble will instantly know what I’m talking about. Things you take utterly for granted, things you normally do without thinking about them – getting out of a chair, using the toilet, climbing a flight of stairs, coughing even – become exhausting, terrifying ordeals. You see the remote just out of reach. Oh god, oh god, oh god. How much will this hurt? 

      Joe Abercrombie: The Blade Itself.

    7. brusselsproutsfiend on

      Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by Elsa Sjunneson

      Knot Your Type by Evie Mitchell

      The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

      Act Your Age Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

      Accidents of Nature by Harriet McBryde Johnson

      The Border of Paradise by Esme Weijun Wang

      So Lucky by Nicola Griffith

      The Last Illusion by Porochista Khakpour

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