September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've always wanted to write, but over the past month or two, I've finally been able to get into consistent routine of working on stories. I'm practicing with smaller stories, but I eventually want to try write something novel-lengthed. Recently, I've been fascinated with the idea of writing a mystery. I'm coming up with characters and a setting, but the actual process of setting up the mystery is daunting to me. What are some of the best mystery books to read that are not only engaging but would help me understand the genre better and help me write my own?
    I haven't read a ton of this genre in the past. I've read And Then There Were None, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and the first 3 books in Juneau Black's Shady Hollow series. I tried Murder on the Orient Express, but couldn't get into it. And then as a kid I read a few mystery-adjacent series, like A Series of Unfortunate Events and Harry Potter. Also, recommendations on Audible are preferred since I'm sitting on a bunch of credits right now. Thank you!

    by Reckful-Abandon

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