September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi I am looking for a recommendation as a great place to start w some Victorian classics.

    I generally read sci fi and fantasy. My favourite authors are Gene Wolfe, Robin Hobb and Joe Abercrombie.

    Looking for advice from a classics fan on a great entry point to the genre which will really scratch an itch.

    Thinking maybe Wuthering heights or Jane Eyre (but open to suggestions otherwise).

    Love introspective flawed characters navigating morally grey situations with some ironic humour thrown in.

    Appreciate a coat of horror paint over any work of fiction.

    Love solid prose however given the status of these works I think that will be a given.

    Please if you have a suggestion tell me why you think this will be a hit so I have as much context as possible.

    Thanks in advance !

    by Tealbeardpinkface

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