September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone!

    I am super new to the smut genre, and have read a few but… I cannot stand when the characters are already talking about how much they want each other with in the first few chapters. Like yes, everyone here wants it but I need builllld up!

    These are some of my favorite books if you have any ideas, not all of them are romance either :):

    The Song of Achilles, Circe, Shadow & Bone Trilogy, Project Hail Mary, Fairy Tale.

    Thanks! <3

    by Mooshiemoon


    1. usually they do not market themselves as smut. you hear people calling them “adult romances” or “spicy romances”

    2. mint_pumpkins on

      what you are wanting, based on what you have said, is called slow burn romance, also if you are looking for books using the word “smut” you are likely going to end up with erotica which is focused on the sexual aspects and not so much anything else so that might not be what you are wanting, and stay away from anything you see marked as insta-love or insta-lust 🙂

      I suggest A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland – light fantasy setting, queernorm world, prince & bodyguard slow burn

      i also suggest poking around the r/RomanceBooks sub its very active and helpful!

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