September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like ladies get all the good recommendations when it comes to romance novels of the (smut) variety, and most of them are trash. But I’ve seen discussions where those who’ve read them have said that “this smut novel in particular was actually really damn good!”

    Well how about that but geared for a male audience?

    I hope this isn’t in bad taste but I’ll take the L if so

    by HappyTheBlue


    1. mint_pumpkins on

      could you say what exactly you mean by “geared for a male audience”? male POV? gay romance? just not sure what that means for you so not sure how to give recs

      edit: also, could you maybe provide what other genres/books you like so we can see what might work for you?

    2. Guy here that reads a fair amount of romance as well as a lot of other genres. What exactly would a romance novel targeted at men include? I mean, if it’s just porn you are looking for, I’m sure the Penthouse Forum is still a thing.

      [Here’s a great search tool for romance novels.](

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