September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I went from a passive reader to a full on book worm from reading this book. The problem is no books have given me the same feeling as this book gave me. It wasn't a specific element that attracted me but a combination of everything: the hidden meanings and symbols, the writing style, the story, the themes, the characters and their depth and complexity. I don't know if there does exist a book which will give me the feeling this book gave me. So far i have read Crime and Punishment, Don Quixote, The Alchemist, Animal Farm and 1984. The only book that came close to reach Blood Meridian was 1984 but only because of it's themes. All suggestions are accepted.

    Thanks in advance.

    by Least_Swing1626


    1. lamKorbenDallas on

      What about some more Cormac McCarthy? The Road, All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men?

    2. forgottenusrname on

      I’ll second Butcher’s Crossing and add The North Water by Ian McGuire and Suttree by McCarthy.

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