September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello,I own a self-publishing business. I have months where my income is high, and sometimes my income drops drastically. Also, I feel insecure relying on it since Amazon has total control of my account and can close it down for any reason.

    Right now, it’s my only source of income, so I am looking to start a new business on the side while I can still maintain myself with publishing since it is semi-passive, and I’ve created a system that made it semi-passive.I have read “The Millionaire Fastlane,” and it’s a wonderful book.

    I am interested in making money online and entrepreneurship. However, the author describes the characteristics that a good business should have. Since then, I have been obsessed with researching the perfect business I could start to give me diversification of my income and a more stable long-term income while also having more control and ownership.

    However, the research has made me anxious because I feel stuck. I don’t know which kind of business to start, and it seems like the question, “Is it a wise use of my time? Should I pursue this business idea?” By growing my knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship, I have realized and can spot the main flaws of most online businesses, and it’s so hard to commit to one.I am almost spending all my spare time listening to business podcasts, side hustle websites, newsletters, online business opportunities, case studies, etc.I always ask myself if what I am doing is correct, and I don’t have clarity of mind.

    The lack of clarity is impacting my productivity. I reckon that if I had more clarity, I would have taken action earlier instead of being inactive for so long and wasting time.Which book can give me more clarity so that I can say, “Okay, I have a plan. This plan makes sense for X, Y, and Z reasons, and I can create a plan of action based on these reasons.” I don’t want to change my idea every three days but be convinced and firm in my choice.

    by alexXx9_