September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My all time favorite book is The Kite Runner. It is heart wrenching and written so beautifully. I’ve also read a thousand splendid suns, but there’s something about Amir that I deeply relate to and the guilt, pain, family, and lost chances are things that hit me in a really vulnerable way.

    Buuuuut a couple of my other favorites (for style and content context) are The Orphans Tale by Pam Jenoff, The Fountains Of Silence by Ruta Sepetys(I love all her books so much), and Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin (that one’s a bit sc-if about a girl who was experimented on in a concentration camp and can change faces).

    I just love learning about history through the struggles of the everyday people who dealt with it, not big books full of maps and dates

    by Grumstrum

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