September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do spoilers harm your enjoyment of a story?

    I find that lots of people feels their enjoyment of a story is devastated by spoilers, others find no difference and some intentionally spoil stories for themselves on purpose.

    Personally, I think spoilers harm my enjoyment of stories, but it could also be a psychological thing for me. I know it has been spoiled so I lose interest and motivation in reading it. I’ve seen Stephen King say that spoilers can’t spoil a story if it was good to begin with, since a story is about the ride and not the destination. I’d respond by saying that the ride is fundamentally altered if you know exactly where you’re going.

    What do you guys think?

    by nonbog

    1 Comment

    1. Yes and no. Some complex novels I might need the spoiler or a 2nd read to even grasp what is going on.

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