July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I (29f) am looking for an easy read while in a cozy cabin at the lake. I do not want anything that’s a thriller/suspense/horror etc. Looking for something with autumn or winter vibes that I can chill and relax with on the couch with the wood stove on, cookies in the oven, and sipping on a hot latte. Maybe a cute romance. Preferably not a series of books, just a stand alone novel (however not completely opposed to a series). Thanks in advance!!

    by greenflubber


    1. LankySasquatchma on

      If I were going I’d take one of the following

      Dr. Živago by Boris Pasternak

      You Can’t Go Home Again by Thomas Wolfe

      On the Road by Jack London

      Moby Dick by Herman Melville

    2. CaptainLaCroix on

      Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver

      The Winter People by John Ehle

      A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

    3. Iamthatiamthati on

      After thinking on this a minute, I’ve decided to recommend “The Changeling Sea” by Patricia McKillip.

      Or perhaps “The Forgotten Beasts of Eld”, also by Patricia McKillip.

    4. AdventurousPlace7216 on

      Happiness For Beginners – Katherine Center

      Super easy read, light, funny rom com.

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