September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I have as of lately noticed I have a special taste for books written in a non traditional manner, such as The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstein (a mix of “real life” storytelling and fables, as the book advances reality and fiction end up fully mixed, to the point where you aren’t able to tell able to tell which is which), This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amar El-Mohtar (a mix of letters written by the main characters and events that lead up to the letters, in a very unique sci-fi world) and I haven’t finished this book yet but Ship of Theseus by J.J Abrams and Doug Dorst (The story is told in writings left in the side of the book, trying to solve the mystery of the author who wrote the book they’re reading, the book contains various multimedia aspects, such as letters, postcards, newspapers that are left inside the book).
    This may be a very niche type of genre (I’m not sure it can be even called a genre) but does anyone have any suggestions on books that may have a similar vibe to the ones listed above?

    by Anxiouus_otter


    1. Gray_Kaleidoscope on

      Stories told in letters are called “epistolary novels” if that helps give you ideas of what to search for in that regard

      Not epistolary but the first book that came to mind was slaughterhouse five, as Vonnegut jumps through time and often mentions and speaks as himself in the novel

    2. House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski. It’s a 10x better version of Shop of Theseus/S.

    3. If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler – half written in 2nd person and half the beginnings of novels as you, The Reader, search for the rest of a book you started reading but turned out to be a defective copy. Experiencing a series of increasingly strange adventures along the way, and really about the experience of reading, and the joy of it.

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