September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I would love some book suggestions for page-turners that I can read for hours at a time. It does not really matter if it's a single book or a series, but a series is always nice because I won't have to pick a new book as soon 🙂

    My favourites include, in no specific order:
    All four Hyperion(/Endymion) books;
    The wheel of time books;
    Most books by Brandon Sanderson, especially the Mistborn series;
    The Terry Pratchett books (maybe not my favourite books but I did like them);
    Axiom's end (though I didn't like the sequel);
    Ender's game, although I've only read the first one so far;
    I also enjoyed Dan Browns books, although those are another genre.

    This is the list I could think of off the top of my head, but there are more, of course. All suggestions, even from other genres if you think I'll like them, are welcome!

    by Superruub61

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