September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wasn’t a huge fan of Anne Rice’s writing style. I didn’t like how she’d write long paragraphs with quasi non-sequiturs in the middle. It made it hard for me to follow along.

    I’ve heard the second book (and later ones) are written differently. So I wasn’t sure if it would be worth it for me to attempt the second one, especially because I am curious after the semi-cliff hanger of the interviewer running off to presumably interview Lestat.

    The only thing stopping me from continuing is that I had to sort of force myself to finish Interview. It felt like the whole book was missing something, the book never felt complete. I chalked it up to maybe Anne Rice is trying to show Louis is an unreliable narrator, which I’ve heard the Lestat Vampire reinforces. Will the second book complete the first one?

    No spoilers please.

    by Lizz196


    1. QuailandDoves on

      Yes, if you liked Interview with the Vampire, I think you will want to continue the story.

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