September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m only half way through but really enjoying Snow Crash. I love sci-fi and especially dystopian cyberpunk what-have-you. (Feel free to recommend anything similar). I love the dark humor of this one.

    Not trying to make any serious points here; no disrespect to religious people, I’m just saying it’s so funny.

    [Hiro] “Wait a minute, Juanita. Make up your mind. This Snow Crash thing—is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?”

    Juanita shrugs. “What’s the difference?”

    by rotterdamn8

    1 Comment

    1. Fictitious1267 on

      I highly recommend William Gibson’s Virtual Light. Similar vibes and story, but felt like it had a lot more depth and focus to it.

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