September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Trying to get off social media and also just have more hobbies that don’t involve screens but good ebooks are appreciated. Like most people I stopped reading books during and/or after school because you weren’t reading for fun in school which really crippled my reading habits.

    To try to get back into reading I decided to start at kid chapter books, mostly books I’ve read before (“a land remembered”, “the outsiders”, and “number the stars” being a few examples because school loves to hand you historical fiction books). I’m starting at kids and teens books when getting back into reading because not only do I like them but they’re usually shorter and a little less demanding of my damaged attention span, also most come in a bigger font which is helpful for my shit vision when I don’t want to look at large prints. I would like to get into adult books so here’s a big dump of what I’ve found while reading a whole bunch of random books that I’ve liked and what I haven’t liked.

    I don’t like murder mysteries and romance books. I don’t like books that have romance because all the characters act stupid and use love as an excuse for the dumb actions and they feel like they all blend together. I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi but again, I’m not gonna be super picky, if it’s good then it’s good.

    I know I like historical fiction when “done right” from all the historical books school shoved down my throat but I wanted to see what I like so I’ve been diving deeply into graphic novels and manga, a few favorites being “my new life as a cat” by Konomi Wagata and “OKSI” by Mari Ahokoivu. The graphic novel and manga section in my local library is very small and limited but I wouldn’t know how big the selections are usually considering I’ve only been to around 3 libraries so far. “OKSI” was about finnish mythology and folklore and I enjoyed it greatly, I actually liked it so much I bought a copy of the book. “My new life as a cat” is a children’s manga about a dude being reincarnated as a cat and having to adapt to a new body along with comedy with cat shenanigans.

    I’ve also currently reading “the cat who saved books” by Sosuke Natsukawa. Cat books are a bit of a safe guard for me because there’s just so many good cat books that I immediately search for one when I don’t want to sift heavily through bad reads.

    When I look for a fantasy book I find the easiest way I find what I’m looking for is in older kid/teen chapter books, they’re usually built off a creative, silly idea and aren’t long enough that I get bored and not short enough that I leave unsatisfied. I think I just have a hard time finding a fun fantasy book for adults while kids fantasy is just a little more naturally meant to be entertaining because, you know, kids. I’ve always been a sucker for dragons and folklore stuff, I had gotten a whole bunch of “wings of fire” books a while back and I only read half of one of the graphic novels but I’ve been getting back into them.

    I remember reading “Chasing Me to My Grave: An Artist's Memoir of the Jim Crow South” by Winfred Rembert, it’s the only time I’ve actually gotten interested in an autobiography but I think that’s because it’s a memoir?

    I don’t really know, this post is way too long for a book rec. I just know I got a love for teens books because they’re easy to find at my local library and digital libraries such so I’m looking for recommendations, something different I guess.

    by Secure_Screen_2354

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