If you haven't seen Wilfred, it's an odd show about a guy who talks to his friend's dog. Nobody else can talk to the dog, so he questions the whole time if the dog's personality is all in his head. But the dog itself is a weird chaotic character. You're not sure if he's malicious or good (he usually just tends of be an agent of chaos, in a seemingly bad way), but he tends to teach the main character lessons in a roundabout way, so the show is philosophical and dark, and kind of perverted as well, it deals a lot with death, and it goes off the rails with all sorts of alien-type theories and surprising twists. Any books like this in vibe? I don't need it to be about a guy who talks to his dog, I'm looking more for a dark and funny book with a mysterious "guide" character who may or may not be malicious, but gets the main character into shenanigans.
by flamingomotel