September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I apologise if this isn't deemed worth of it's own thread but I just read that Carol Rifka Brunt FINALLY has a second book coming out.

    Mary Ann is due for release at some point in 2024. This is all the article says about it –

    "The Publishers Marketplace announcement calls it a historical novel “inspired by the life of Mary Ann Bevan, known for many years as ‘the ugliest woman in the world.""

    Tell the Wolves I'm Home is one of my all time favourite books. It's hugely under read, I think, but very loved by those of us who have read it. I've seen a few booktubers pick it up over the last few months and have it on their favourite reads lists at the end of the year. Hopefully 2024 is the year the world at large discovers this book/author.

    I recommend it in a couple of other threads and saw a few people say they loved it too, so I was excited to let everyone know there's finally a new book coming!

    by No_Tomorrow7180


    1. OH MY GOD, finally it’s happening!!! I have waited soooooo long for something else by her! I wonder if she’s taking a Donna tart approach by leaving us in anguish for over a decade between releases.

    2. This is great news! I’ve never heard of Bevan until now, but I hope Brunt will treat her sympathetically. I’ve already read too many books with “unattractive” characters where the author kept harping on that personality trait (most recently Starling House by Alix E. Harrow).

    3. Far-Anywhere5777 on

      That makes me so happy!! I absolutely love Tell The Wolves I’m Home!! I read it years ago and loved it and just reread it and loved it even more. Such a beautiful book. 

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