September 2024
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    1. The concept of an “atheist Bible” is kind of silly, but I guess the closest would be something like Richard Dawkins’ **The God Delusion**.  

      As for Satanism, there aren’t really many people who genuinely worship Satan. Most “Satanists” are just atheist edgelords, so they don’t have any central texts. You could look into occultists like Aleister Crowley or Anton LaVey.

    2. DataQueen336 on

      There isn’t one, in general. However,
      The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins might get you close. 

    3. NovelDifference4 on

      It may be an odd suggestion but Milton’s Paradise Lost is a great look at the events of the old testament from the perspective of Satan. It isn’t meant to be Satanic (Milton was a devout Christian, ironically), but in Milton’s work Satan as an MC is sympathetic, while God is a dictator bully. One of my faves.

    4. There’s no such thing as atheist beliefs. Atheism is simply the lack of religious beliefs. And satan is a biblical character, so worshipping him is not very far removed from christianity. There is no single book that represents what you’re looking for, but it would probably something like: The Age of Reason, Stranger in a Strange Land, The Communist Manifesto, Civilization and its Discontents, A Brief History of Time, The Encyclopedia, The Origin of Species, Sapiens:A Brief History of Human Kind, A Short History of Everything, or a thousand other books.

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