September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! My brother is bringing his two new foster daughters, sisters aged 7 and 9, to our family holidays. I typically get all the other niblings books for their gifts – I try to get books with protagonists they can identify with. If everything goes smoothly, my bro+SIL would adopt these two girls in 6ish months. Most kids books I see about foster/adoption include a concrete conclusion – either talking about temporary family (reunification with bio family is no longer a possibility) or adoption (hopeful, but not yet set in stone).

    Any recommendations for stories about unlikely or chosen families, or handling big changes and big emotions? Or generally to build confidence for their better future?

    by siphon_hands

    1 Comment

    1. Former_Foundation_74 on

      We got a book from the library once about all different ways families can look, including blended families. Can’t remember the title… might’ve been All About Families or All Kinds of Families or something. Good luck on your holiday.

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