September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never read a book with so many heart wrenching turns and twists as this one.

    At the end of the book the two lovers (Dorthy and Caesar) try to escape (Caesar is a prisoner of war). The twin sister (Con) tries to help them off the island. Then there is a bad man trying to chase after them because he (Angus) is “in love” with Con who is helping them escape. Angus is very cruel and brutal.

    At the end the author did an amazing job at constantly surprising you. I was crying because I thought Caesar had died, then they gave the impression that Dorthy died (I still thought Caesar was dead).

    It turns out Con died and Dorthy was pretending to be Con since no one could tell the difference between them.

    THEN Caesar is ALIVE! Dorthy and him end up together and until the war ends they keep him hidden. But damn that was emotional…

    It’s weird I am less sad about Con dying than if one of the other two had died. For me most of the book was focused on how the prisoners were treated and their love. It’s also hard because I became frustrated with Con for constantly interfering with Caesar’s and Dorthy’s relationship. It wasn’t till the end that she excepted it.

    When she died it seemed more like a peace to her soul then anything else. In the book you saw how her mind and fear consumed her (Con). I think she just let go because she was tired of living. So to me it wasn’t a tragic death, but a surrendering of her own life. The way I saw it is Caesar and Dorthy had something to loose if they died, each other. For Con though…it felt like all her nightmares just ceased in that moment.

    by my_eccentrics

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