July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! 18-year-old here. I’m taking a gap year/gap years so I can figure myself out outside of education and to work on my mental health and stuff like that. Right now, I’m unemployed but job-searching, so I don’t really have anything going on in my life, besides me doing my hobbies (which are things that don’t require being outside or physical activity, like writing, watching movies, gaming, playing the bass, listening to music, Duolingo Spanish).

    I’m sort of searching for a sense of purpose and direction in life. Right now I feel dissatisfied and restless, and I’m trying to figure out the world despite my lack of experience with it. I want to try meditation and look into that area of mindfulness to work on my relationship with myself and my thoughts.

    I’m looking for a book that will be useful/valuable to me in some way. So, I guess I want you to think of a book you’ve read- nonfiction or fiction- that you think would be beneficial for me to read (or listen to, since I’ll likely be using Audible).

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

    by whorlaxdotorg


    1. coldcanyon1633 on

      The go-to book for this kind of thing right now that seems to be Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. This is the book that young men are consistently saying is making a significant difference in how they live their lives.

      I’m an old lady so what do I know. But I would advise you to Google “Jordan Peterson changed my life” and read what your peers are saying.


    2. Key_Bicycle9483 on

      The road less travelled by m Scott peck.

      Thinking fast and slow by Daniel khaneman

      Not fucking Jordan Peterson

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