September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello I’m interested in your suggestions 😉

    Here some things I like for help :

    I like epic fantasy, sci-fi, sci-fi fantasy , grimdark, adult fantasy, overall everything more mature…

    Most loved authors for me are Brandon Sanderson , Joe Abercrombie, Pierce Brown, Susan Collins

    All time favourite Series : Red Rising from Pierce Brown!! And everything in the Cosmere universe from Brandon Sanderson !

    Fantasy Games I like are : ffxiv, ffxv, dragon quest 11, Dark souls ( any game of the dark souls games also demon souls and elden ring) ,monster tamer games as well, fear & hunger..and elder scrolls Skyrim

    Overall is there anything you can recommend me which could satisfy my taste in this genre ? Dark mature epic violent … 😅

    Thanks in advance and I’m looking forward for your suggestions!

    by hatakeuchihauzumaki

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