September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Where the FL is independent, please. If it’s historical, the better.
    Some of the books where I think the female protagonist was strong by herself and where the relationship with the ML was ok are the following:

    – Mirror Visitors series by Christelle Dabos (will forever wait for the announcement of a 5th book :,) , I really loved their slow-burning relationship, how they slowly came to deeply understand each other and accommodate their differences and how the female protagonist had her own idea of how to solve a big issue and was pretty much a really good and strong independent agent but together, they were even better).
    – “The surgeon’s daughter” and especially the secomd book “The girl in his shadow” by Audrey Blake.
    The female protagonist has skills of her own and dreams of her own and just basically a life of her own, which was not socially acceptable back then, but they supported each other and remained faithful to each other even she went to study abroad.
    – “Jane Eyre” (a classic, could not not include it, although I’m not too much of a fan of the whole bit of hiding “THAT” secret from her for so long).
    – “Ponte en mi piel” by Emma Lira, it had spice in it but I completely skipped it because it’s just not my thing but again, love the slow-burned relationship, the male lead was physically unattractive and he would be so by today’s standard too, it is based on the historical figure of Petrus Gonsalvus, who was treated as a circus exhibit by the court of France and his imposed relationship with Catherine, who had issues of her own due to her upbringing. I’m actually thinking of re-reading this one after writing this! 😂

    I hope you get the gist!
    Looking forward to your recommendations! I’ve never picked a bad suggestion from this sub!

    by leen_02


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