September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Without giving any specific spoilers, I’m sitting at a bar reading it and crying my eyes out and still have about 120 pages to go. Really unfair for people to suggest it without warning about just how emotionally painful it would be! I feel like I know each of these characters personally at this point, and I already know I’m going to feel a little bit empty when it’s finished.

    …But in the spirit of r/suggestmeabook, what other (ideally long!) books would you recommend that make you feel like you know each of the characters involved so deeply? The closest analogs I can think of are either The Neapolitan novels or East of Eden (either of which I’d recommend just as highly as Lonesome Dove!), so I’d welcome any novels or series that strike you as similar to any of those three ❤️

    by chattahattan


    1. PieEnvironmental5674 on

      Oh sunshine, I am so sorry. I recommend Lonesome Dove to everyone so it was probably me.

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