September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Title is self explanatory.

    I love my nephew (13) and niece (10). They are two of the most well-behaved, most intelligent and gentle kids.

    Their birthdays are coming up and I want to gift them the pleasure of reading. I want to inspire them to pick up reading as a habit.

    My nephew is at that phase where he's starting to workout and build his body and he's quite tall (nearly 6ft!) and has enjoyed playing sports (basketball) and martial arts (Judo).

    My niece is a very playful, EXTREMELY smart girl who loves to make quick friends, super goofy, very easily emotionally affected but very strong too.

    I have some ideas for what kind of books I should get them. For my nephew I want to gift a book that helps him build his body methodically, since he's quite interested in that at the moment.

    For my niece we have been playing with the idea of her setting up a lemonade stand and make some money. I think she could really enjoy learning how to make some money with hard work and applying her mind on nurturing business acumen.

    But I would love to hear ideas from others regarding what could inspire them to actually read the books and gain the desire to get into reading.

    Perhaps nonfiction isn't even the best option to go for since they don't currently have an active habit of reading yet. Maybe it could be better for them to get interesting fiction books to start with? I am not sure.

    My ideas are just a starting point to give you a sense of what I'm thinking of but I'd prefer to hear from those who have extensive experience with kids of this age group and what they mind enjoy the most.

    by ragavyarasi

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