November 2024
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    Hey there! I’m looking for new stuff to read. Recently got in to the hobby.

    Books I enjoyed so far are Bukowski, Hemingway and John Fante books. I read all the Bukowski and Hemingway books I could find. From Fante I only read the Arturo Bandini books. A recent google search told me this style is called dirty realism. So I was wondering if you have any suggestions for books written in a similar manner?

    I have some Cormac Mccarthy books on order already. But I feel like I want to branch out a little.

    I'm also really curious if there are any fantasy books written in a similar manner? I love music so maybe a story about a bard would be cool. But just looking for a book in a similar style honestly.

    I really liked Train Dreams by Dennis Johnson as well. Not entirely sure if that's the same style but that might help in making a suggestion.

    Open to different (story) themes and locations.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    by Basseronie

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