September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One of my all time favorite books and a contender for Great American Novel, it is beloved by a many but still not widely known. The title calls back to Dostoevsky and to baseball and is quite long. The focus on three sons in this saga of a family which comes in time to focus on their different paths and choices during the Vietnam era. The book is full of baseball, religious questions, coming of age issues and family love and dynamics. Thoughtful, challenging and entertaining it is slice of American life in a certain era.

    by econoquist


    1. So happy to see this book and this author brought up. The Brother’s K and The River Why will always be in my top 10.

    2. I have seen the title but know nothing about it. Is it mimicking the Dostoyevsky book? It sounds like an Americanized version of the same story. Is this accurate?

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