September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm bad at writing essays and I'm taking AP Lang this year so I want to get better at taking English classes. A problem I have is that I slowly stopped reading over quarantine and middle school so my reading skills aren't that great. A teacher told me the best way to get better grades in English is to read more so I wanted to read books that are kind of popular or "classics." However a problem is a lot of these books are really hard to read and I found them either super boring or confusing. I tried reading "Grapes of Wrath" and "Great Gatsby" but it took me forever to read and I just wasn't interested in them at all. I also do quizbowl where there are questions about literature so if possible I want to read books that would pop up in quizbowl. I recently read "the Catcher in the Rye" and I enjoyed it and found it not hard to read. Some other books I liked were Fahrenheit 451 and Of Mice and Men. I found "to kill a mockingbird" to be super boring. I'm sorry if this is a bad post but I just wanted to get back into reading and I'm not really sure what I'm interested in I just want to read again.

    by HungryCuber

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