September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I do love to read, and I usually vary a lot. I normally read a book for personal growth in the morning and others more for fun at night, like thrillers, fantasy, historical fiction. What I usually look for are books that can surprise me, are well-written, with good character psychology, etc.

    One day, I found a post here where someone asked for a book to make them cry, and one of the suggestions was "The Song of Achilles." As the subject was close to what I normally enjoy, and I was curious to try a book that made someone cry so much, I bought it. It was astonishing to me, totally unexpected, how well the story was painted and how well the emotions were written. I just felt it all while I was reading. Needless to say, the end made me cry like never before. I really loved every bit of that book.

    Now, I would really like to find something similar. I'm not sure what exactly touched me about that book, but does anyone who has read it have any suggestions? I'd love to read another book where I am not only caught with my mind but also with my emotions.

    by Live_Pound_3947

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