September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone!

    I was always one of those people that thought I hated reading until a few years ago when someone recommended Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang after I watched Arrival, which is an adaptation of one of his stories. I’ve since read and reread both that book and Exhalation several times, and they have easily become my favorite books. I’m starting a new routine of reading before bed instead of scrolling and I’m almost through these again.

    Does anyone know any authors or books that are similar to Chiang’s style? Doesn’t need to be a short story anthology. I’m just fascinated by the concepts Chiang comes up with, and how he can make fantastical concepts work like science (Seventy-two Letters is my favorite example of this) while using them to challenge moral implications or completely change how his characters view the world itself. I never thought I liked reading until I started reading Chiang’s stories and could binge them like netflix, and I would really like to find more that could draw me in like that. Thanks!

    by CBcube

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