September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, i've never been a reader but i always tried getting into it. The problem is that i have never found a book that "clicked" or that kept me really interested and i don't know how to find it.

    Here's a little summary of the books i've read, or tried to, so maybe i can help you with the suggestions:

    • Don Quixote – Finished it and kind of liked it
    • Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Finished it. Ehhh cool i guess
    • Neverwhere – Finished it but didn't really like it
    • Shadow and bone trilogy – dropped it at the third book, i just lost interest
    • Dune – Dropped it at 3/4 for no reason in particular
    • The Stranger – I think it was the book that i liked the most, it never felt like i had to finish it
    • Piranesi – i liked it
    • The late mattia pascal – also liked it

    I don't know if it helps but for a big chunk of my life i watched a lot of anime and also read mangas, my favourites are hunter x hunter and blood on tracks.

    As for the genres i don't have a preference, i kind of like everything but maybe romances interest me a bit less.

    by usultotti

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