September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Posting for the first time because I currently do not have any books on my list that I absolutely cannot wait to read.

    Some of my favorite fiction includes: Cat Person and Other Stories by Kirsten Roupenian, Pastoralia and Tenth of December by George Saunders, John Updike's Rabbit series, The Dinner by Herman Koch, all of Junot Diaz’s books.

    I love memoirs that delve into the good, the bad and the ugly of different professions and recount war stories and experiences so crazy you could not make them up. Also general non-fiction to that same effect. Some of my favorites are: Do No Harm by Henry Marsh (one of my favorite books of all time), Kitchen Confidential, Not Taco Bell Material by Adam Carolla, Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer by Seymour Wishman, The Foundling, Blue on Blue by Charles Campisi, It's All in Your Head by Suzanne O'Sullivan, The Riders Come out at Night, Rikers: An Oral History. 

    Another book I loved was Children of Monsters by Jay Nordlinger.

    Thank you in advance for any recommendations!

    by LPHutz

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