September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    Okay I’m going to lay it out flat.

    Recent grad. I had a book club at college but am now starting one back home with my bff. We’ve both invited x amount of people so the invite list is quite long (~50 people), but this is intentional. We’ve invited women from all stages of life starting from post-college age to grown woman in their 50s who have children and work a full-time job. We want this to be an inclusive space for women to not have to be students, mothers, employees, etc. – we want them to simply be women who read and we hope that we can all learn from one another. ♥️

    That being said, we need a GOOD first book for the club. It must fit the following qualifications because I feel like a good/bad book will make it break it since many of our members aren’t readers (yet):

    • can’t be too long
    • must have good discussion points (an agreeable book makes a boring book club)
    • can’t be too difficult to understand / too deep (we will save that for those who stick around)
    • has to be entertaining

    My college book club read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and though I didn’t absolutely LOVE the book, it was one of our best book club meetings because of the discussion around the characters in a book that was entertaining, easy to read, and had a thrilling aspect to it. Personally, I think that thrillers are one of the best genres to get people hooked on reading so a book with a thrilling aspect but not too much (because we want to save that for fall) would be great!! 😊 I also think it may be a good idea to not start with a fantasy since so many people have their own preconceived notions about it and I would hate for them to automatically not come to book club just because of them! (But rest assured that fantasy is in our future).

    PLS let me know if you guys have any books in mind! I have the following list of books that I think might fit the criteria, but I haven’t read them so you opinions on them are also welcomed!

    • Daisy Jones and the 6
    • Binding 13
    • The Midnight Library
    • The Grace Year

    THANK YOU!🎀🎧✨ happy reading!

    by Massive_Corgi5532

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