September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey my sister is looking for some good books about a first person narrative about a damaged/trauma mind, what goes through there head and the narrative they go through. What’s some must reads I can recommend her ? She’s sick of getting half way through a book to figure out it’s meh, so I need some crazy good shit she’ll enjoy ! Thank you to all

    by Damien18d


    1. I don’t remember if the story is told in first person but…

      The Victim by Max Manning.

      In the opening chapter, a woman is attacked by a robber. She must decide to either do as he tells her and hand over her money and car, or stand her ground and fight him.

      The rest of the book is parallel timeline of alternating chapters. In one timeline, the character had surrendered to her attacker. And the in the other timeline, she had fought her attacker to escape.

      It’s a comparision of how her decision effects her thinking, what the criminal thinks of her, how her friends and family see her after the incident, how her life changes.

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