September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just wanna hear what y'all would recommend for sci fi. Futuristic settings have always captured my imagination because of just how much creativity it allows. Fantasy can only go so far with dragons and magic but science fiction can be everything. I'm currently reading the Teixcalaan novels, and science fiction I've recently read or consumed includes the fantastic Left Hand Of Darkness, The Broken Earth, all of Becky Chambers, This is How You Lose the Time War, Cyberpunk 2077, the movie Arrival, the show Travelers, just to name a few.

    To me the essence of the genre is the philosophical questions it asks. I'm mostly a fan of odd, subversive, creative stories that really trigger the imagination. Bonus points for loveable characters or cute romances. But really, just give me whatever you got that you adored and that helped shape the way you see the world.

    by Creator13

    1 Comment

    1. *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress* by Robert Heinlein

      *The Forever War* by Joe Haldeman

      *The Mote in God’s Eye* by Pournelle and Niven

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