September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey folks. Trying to make major life changes here. I’m open to any self development books that help with boosting self esteem, and Law Of Attraction. I recently read You Are A Goddess by Sophie Bashford and enjoyed it. Also Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Any ideas? They can even be spiritually based. I glean useful information from any source. A huge THANK YOU!!!

    by TheLadyMerlot


    1. I find most self help books pretty terrible, and I had to read a bunch of them for a professional book group. Most are written by self-aggrandizing assholes, full of useless anecdotes that aren’t applicable to the average person. The only one I read that I found worth reading, and good enough to call potentially “life changing” is Crucial Conversations.

      It’s amazing at teaching how to have hard conversations you need to have in order to make change in your life. Whether that is communicating effectively to your spouse, cancelling your gym membership, setting boundaries with a family member, or asking for a promotion at work. It’s really good.

    2. The 5AM Club, Learning How to Learn, and The Ride of a Lifetime

      These are some of favorite books that provide practical methodologies.

      The last one is not really a self-help book, but reading other’s story is sometimes more inspiring than theoretical books stuffed with hollow chicken soup.

    3. 101 essays that will change the way you think by brianna wiest..this woman deserves more credit ..every book of hers is magic

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