September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book was interesting for sure. The prose is good. The thing is…I felt sort of lost the whole time? Lmao. My experience reading this book was perplexing. I don't know anything about these characters. I don't know what they want or what they're trying to acheive. They're in the middle of some intense sci-fi time travel war. Cool. Okay. But I don't know enough about this world or its mechanics to glean what's actually going on.

    Personally, I love it when I'm reading a book and things are unclear. I very much do not like it when an author spells everything out for the reader. But I suppose there's a fine line between "I'm not sure what's going on" as a feature of the text meant to keep the reader engaged and "I'm not sure what's going on" in a way that makes me wonder why I'm supposed to care about the characters in the first place. At times I forgot whose perspective I was reading. I could barely tell them apart.

    Maybe the issue is that I went into this expecting genre fiction when really it's intricately framed romance? I quite enjoy romantic relationships within genre fiction, but I'm not super partial to romance as a genre.

    by alengthofrope

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