September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I enjoy picking up a new book here and there. My past books have included A Family of Strangers by Emilie Richards (probably my fav), In Five Years by Rebecca Serle, Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover, and a few others. I finished Verity yesterday and I feel like I missed a major TW. I have CPTSD and was not prepared for what I read in that book. Now I'm kind of nervous as I'm looking for new books to read. I want to get my mind off of Verity and into a new book but I don't want to stumble into anything with that type of detailed abuse.

    Any recommendations? Any books to stay far away from?

    There was a ton of hype around Verity, I was excited to read it. But I absolutely regret it now. It was just..too much.

    by Comfortable-Ad8633

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