September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read quite a bit of science fiction books, but I was wondering if there was an author or series that teaches you real science along with the story? Like, it would be kind of cool to learn real ecology from Dune or actual physics from star wars or something. Thanks!

    by Epicinium


    1. I’ve been looking for such books too, but couldn’t fiction books. But I have found non-fiction books that feels like a narrative rather than listing out facts.

      Among fiction books I’ve read that comes closest to your ask is “Dragon’s Egg” by Robert L. Forward.

      I think it’s good for those who already know a bit of science and want to see it applied in fiction. I have documentary level knowledge, and I enjoyed it.

      But there were things I couldn’t understand. For example, the book has a life form that evolved on the surface of neutron star with strong magnetic field. So the species learn how to walk in specific way when traveling in north-south directions. Why? I don’t know. Someone who understands magnetism might know. At the end the book, there are some scientific notes, numbers, information about the star etc.

      If you’re willing to try a non-fiction, try “The Black Hole War” by Leonard Suskind. He tells the story of how his bet with Stephen Hawkings started, what led to it and how he lost hope of being right, then how the ideas came from unrelated discussions, etc

    2. Interesting-Sugar-99 on

      Waring not a book but an anime called Dr stone teaches you so much scince that you may just go ahead and get a PhD

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